Chair’s Letter
It has arrived, the time when the 2016 Summer Institute Planning Council (SIPC) welcomes old friends and new friends to join us this summer at Oberlin College. Our Theme for…
It has arrived, the time when the 2016 Summer Institute Planning Council (SIPC) welcomes old friends and new friends to join us this summer at Oberlin College. Our Theme for…
Covenant and Collective Action Unitarian Universalism is a faith of covenant and collective action. Our shared spiritual practice informs our work in the world, and our social justice work shapes…
Rev. Rose Eddington Rev. Edington has a BA from Alderson-Broaddus College (1969) with a major in Humanities with an emphasis on English Literature; a Master's of Divinity in Theology from…
[list-group] [list-group-item] 1. Protecting Our Blue Boat Home Bob Mitchell Pope Francis has focused the world’s attention on the climate change crisis through his encyclical “Laudato Si -- On Care…
Drumming and Community Matt Dudack's Found Sounds The drum is a worldwide phenomenon, with every culture having their own version of percussion music. Found Sounds will take the audience on…
YAs at SI are a diverse, growing community. Because young adulthood is a time of transition and self-discovery, this year’s Young Adult theme is all about balancing UU beliefs and…
Unlike adult morning seminars, children’s RE, and youth programming where you commit for the week, afternoons at SI are more “come and go as you please.” You don’t sign up…
[list-group] [list-group-item] Ultimate Frisbee Connor McCrystal and Ryan Haker Ultimate Frisbee is one of the most popular workshops at SI with over 40 participants taking part on most days. Connor…
Each evening’s events are planned to engage, entertain and provide relaxation for campers of all ages: Evening Programs A CD release concert with Hal Walker/ You, You and Me Contra…
As this year’s SI planning began last August, I had one wish: for a really boring planning year. After 2014 which saw a new venue, change in theme speaker, transition…