Covenant and Collective Action
Unitarian Universalism is a faith of covenant and collective action. Our shared spiritual practice informs our work in the world, and our social justice work shapes our spiritual path. This year’s theme talk will be an exploration of Unitarian Universalism in the sanctuary, in the home, and in the streets. We will look at what the experience of music has to teach us about community, the stories of our shared faith, and the how we live our values in the world. We will share the best practices for deepening worship and hear the stories of UU’s exploring new ways of living their faith in congregations and beyond.
Through song and rhythm, story and reflection (and a lot of participation!) we’ll explore what a radically inclusive, spiritual alive, and justice-centered movement of Unitarian Universalism looks like.
Matt Meyer is a lifelong Unitarian Universalist, working to deepen and expand Unitarian Universalism community through engaging worship and community organizing. As an itinerant worship leader, he has lead services for hundreds of UU congregations across the US and Canada. He is a regular guest presenter for professional gathering of UU’s, speaking on music, worship, and UU theology.
Matt is founding board member and resident of the Lucy Stone Cooperative, an intentional living community grounded in the values and tradition of UUism.
He is also a founding worship leader and the current director of Operations and Community Life for the Sanctuary Boston, a contemporary worship community.